The United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)
The Gender & Health Hub
Access / DownloadWe are working with UNU–IIGH as their Communications Partner to deliver the Gender & Health Hub (GHH). The GHH is an online platform that aims to increase the effectiveness of gender integration through collaboration, new partnerships, practice-based learning, and the co-production of critical analyses and evidence.
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Coordinated by the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), and co-funded by the Gates Foundation, the Gender & Health Hub is a unique global platform established to consolidate the best, policy-relevant evidence on gender integration in health policies and programmes, generated through research and practice at the global, regional, and country-level.
The GHH brings together global experts, practitioners and thought leaders in gender and health from the UN, global health institutions, academia, governments, and civil society.
The GHH works to:
- Develop and engage a vibrant network of policymakers, academics, and implementers in gender and global health for priority-setting, knowledge-sharing, and policy engagement;
- Improve the evidence base on integrating gender in health programmes and institutions, addressing knowledge gaps by consolidating and generating evidence on topics prioritised by the gender and global health community; and,
- Mobilise policy engagement for action through effective dissemination of actionable evidence, and engagement with key stakeholders and policy processes to promote the use of evidence.
As Communications Partner, the EQI lead the design and development of various communications products and continue to consult and provide guidance for communications related to the initiative. This included brand identity and logo design, an evidence-based Communications & Engagement Strategy, an infographic series on the gendered impacts of COVID-19, and further communications outputs across email and social media.
Further to this, the EQI, in close collaboration with a web design and development agency jtb studios, lead the user-centred design, build and maintenance of the GHH online platform – accessible at

Despite progress towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets for 2030, the world is still off track. The SDG to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’ (SDG3) is inextricably linked to gender equality (SDG 5), as is any progress towards universal health coverage. Although health systems and programmes can do better to promote gender equality, there has been a lack of evidence, systematic documentation, and learning on what works to effectively integrate gender in health. The GHH exists to bridge the gap between knowledge, policy and action-driving progress towards the SDG goals, and working to achieve gender equality in health to ensure better health outcomes for all.